Member-only story
Black History Month: Creativity Through Adversity and Support Black Women.
Books, BookClub Magic, and social media accounts to support ❤
Let’s be clear about something, Black History Month should be celebrated all year round not just once a month.
It has been a week of intense healing around here. To start, the launch of the new website and store is approaching, getting family and financial matters in order.
Meaning, this happened and I was dealing with healing from injustices, that I didn’t even know I was in until it was explained by a human angel.
As well, I’ve been working on listening to my guides and delivering messages to you ❤
While I continue to look for jobs, getting used to the refusal emails, and the usual: “You are not the right fit”, “don’t fit our requirements” “Your background is not the right fit for us”, “not a fit for our company and goals”…
I swear I’m developing this annoyance with the two words “ don’t fit”.
And in interviews: “What’s your background?… Oh, you are a Canadian citizen?” “Single mother huh?…That’s hard. ”
Yep, you know what’s harder. Not be able to get hired and be able to sustain my children during a world pandemic, not getting financial assistance from the government or anywhere…