Member-only story
Conscious Creatives: Collective General Reading for All signs 🌬💦🌱🔥 Channel Messages. Week 26–31 Jan 2022.
Healing with joy, grace, and compassion towards yourself, others, and our planet 🌎. In 2022, we are not going to be distracted by low vibes enemies! We are going to collectively focus on our blessings and extend that grace to others.
❤️🍃Hello Beautiful Kind Souls, Welcome to AngieBlog & WritersYep Family! I hope my readings bring you healing, guidance, love, and keep you consciously creative!.🍃❤️
This month is almost done! and this Mercury retrograde is almost over so hold on and keep reflecting and healing. Go with the flow and embrace your magic ❤no matter who likes it or not. Use discernment and your intuition more than experience.
Intuitive Channel message: It’s time to ask for medicals before having sex y’all. No more nightstands until you know these people are healthy. If they get mad at you for asking a normal question to a fucking stranger before you share your body with them, run and cut ties immediately. They are emotional manipulators and they are good at convincing. It is very common to ask for this medical info or accompany your future…